The presentation will showcase the R&D activities and capabilities of the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources in the field of valorization of residual biomasses and wastes by their thermochemical transformation into liquid, gaseous and solid products. Examples of transformation of “wastes-to-resources” will discuss the potential of using a wide variety of feedstocks, such as woody and grassy biomasses, including invasive species, food waste, manure, biosolids and plastic wastes. Pyrolytic conversion offers the opportunity to depolymerize these feedstocks into simpler molecules which can be sustainably re-engineered to generate value-added products (fuels, chemicals, and materials) that are either carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative. Examples will include the production of acetic acid and phenolics from the pyrolysis condensate and of highly selective adsorbents for water purification from the solid biochar co-products.
Date: 27 mai 2021
Heure: 15 h (EST)
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