Rafaela has a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, Brazil) and is currently a master’s Student at the Chemical Engineering Graduate Program also at UFRN. During her secondary studies, she graduated as a Chemical Laboratory Technician, which gave her the opportunity to work in the Quality Control team of many companies, such as lubricants and food industries, performing physico-chemical and microbiological analysis. In her academic studies, she developed research in the main area of Oil and Gas under the Petrobras (Brazilian energy company) Research and Development Program, going through many projects, including environmental impacts of oil spills, reservoirs engineering and enhanced oil recovery. During her master’s Program, she took interest in the renewable-energy field, developing studies related to biogas production and anaerobic digestion optimization. Now, she integrates BTL’s team as part of the analytical laboratory, for the fermentation and for biomethanization projects.