Leonardo Chagas da Silva holds higher education degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate) in mechanical engineering from UFRN. He was a member of the study group in tribology and structural integrity (GET) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN / Brazil. Additionally, he has technical training in industrial mechanics from the Federal Institute of Education of Rio Grande do Norte – IFRN / Brazil, focusing on combustion engines, mechanical projects, welding, and conventional machining.
Throughout his academic journey, he has gained experience in the tribological sciences of materials constituting the Common Rail fuel injection system, evaluating the interaction between the use of biofuels and the components of the fuel injection system of Diesel cycle engines, including fuels, emissions, and the plasma surface treatment of materials.
He is interested in the development of mechanical projects involving technical drawing, welding, and machining, as well as in the assembly and maintenance of test benches, devices, and mechanical structures for practical and laboratory tests.