Jaqueline Gilmara Barboza Januário was born in Ivaiporã-PR (Brazil), graduated in Food Engineering from the State University of Maringá (Brazil) in 2021. In 2019 she performed an academic mobility at École d’Ingénieurs de PURPAN (France) with a scholarship from CAPES/BRAFAFRI. Her trajectory in the area of food research began in 2012, when she was still in high school, at the Instituto Federal do Paraná- Campus Ivaiporã, where she graduated as a computer technician (2015). Since then, he has dedicated his professional efforts to academic and industrial research. In the academic area, his research projects were focused on the development of fermented beverages: probiotic yogurt, kefir and kombucha, optimizing the process parameters to obtain beverages with adequate physicochemical and sensory characteristics. As final course projects, he carried out a study of implementation of the fermented beverage industry (Kombucha) and a study of Geographical Indications in Brazil and France for wines of origin. Already in Industry in the R&D sector (2021/2022) Jaqueline worked on the development of new products derived from dry milled corn, participating from market research, laboratory tests and industrial tests, in the processes of extrusion, classification, grinding, mixing of corn and extraction of corn germ oil. Today he joined the Biomass Technology Laboratory, where he will work on projects for the development of fermented beverages from maple syrup, contributing to the team and the great Quebec industry.