On June 17 and 18th 2019, Pr Lavoie was invited to pursue his mandate and representing Canada at the ART-Fuel forum in Brussels. The latter, established under the project: “Support for alternative and renewable liquid and gaseous fuels forum (policy and market issues)”, is financed by the European Commission and aims at bringing together selected representatives of:
-the European Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels (ART Fuels) production industry
-the transport consumption industry
-the main international cooperation actors and
-the EU policy makers and stakeholders
towards facilitating discussion and elaboration of common issues on policy and market penetration barriers for these fuels. (see http://artfuelsforum.eu)
Being at his third mandate at the forum it is a great honor for the BTL (and by extension the Université de Sherbrooke) to be one of the very few members of academia participating in this very select event. Pr Lavoie discussed about the new upcoming Clean Fuel Standard with his European colleagues.