The BTL is proud to announce the presentation of Pr José Luis Sánchez, Associate Professor at the Chemical and Environmental Department, University of Zaragoza, Spain. He will focus on biofuelsl from the point of view of potential feedstock and processes, focusing on the so called ” advanced biofuels ” for transport. To introduce the topic, the current energy consumption pattern for the different energy sources will be shown. The current consumption of oil, the irregular distribution of its reserves around the world, the low reserves-to-production (R/P) ration (49,9 years) and the worrying expectations for the global warming are used to introduce the necessity of increasing the use of biofuels.
When: Wednesday February 10th at 8h30
This presentation will be hold by videoconference.
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Pr José Luis Sánchez obtained his degree in Chemistry in 1992 and his PhD in 1999 at the University of Zaragoza. Since 2003, he is an Associate Professor at the Chemical and Environmental Department of the same university and in 2017 he was invited professor at the Université de Sherbrooke.
His research is framed in the Thermochemical Processes Research Group ( The main research lines are Thermochemical Processing (Pyrolysis and Gasification) of biomass and residues (as black liquor, meat and bone meal and sewage sludge), and biodiesel production. The research experience is focused not only on basic research but also on industry oriented research in order to boost the transfer of technology. Pr Sánchez has participated in 13 public funded projects and 7 research contracts with private companies. He has published 43 papers in peer-reviewed journals, has attented to more than 40 international conferences and has developed one patent. His industrial research has focused on the development of the gasification process, where he has participated in the design, the start-up and operation of a pilot (100 kg/h fluidized bed gasification plant for sewage sludge) and commercial (650 kg/h downdraft biomass gasification plant) facilities. In 2001, he received the 3M Foundation award for Technological Innovation for the work carried out in sewage sludge gasification.
As a professor of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department (, he has taught in the Bachelor and Master programs in Chemical Engineering and in the Master program in Industrial Engineering, at the Engineering and Architecture School of the University of Zaragoza ( He has supervised 42 bachelor and master thesis and 8 doctorate thesis.
At this moment, Prof. Sánchez is the Institutional Coordinator for International Mobility of Chemical Engineering students at the Engineering School.