Ghosh, D., Tanner, J., Lavoie, J.-M., Garnier, G., and Patti, A. F....
Beigbeder, J. B., Boboescu, I. Z., & Lavoie, J. M. (2021). Journal...
8 June 2021
Production of fuel additives by direct conversion of softwood bark using a cheap metal salt.
Aguilar, M. M., Duret, X., Ghislain, T., Minh, D. P., Nzihou, A.,...
Beigbeder, J. B., Sanglier, M., de Medeiros Dantas, J. M., & Lavoie,...
26 May 2021
Formica joins the list of BTL partners
On Mai 5th 2021 was the startup meeting for our new collaboration...
Ghosh, D., Tanner, J., Lavoie, J.-M., Garnier, G., and Patti, A. F....
Doan Pham Minh, Ahimee Hernandez Torres, Bruna Rego de Vasconcelos, Tan Ji...
22 January 2021
Selective Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide into Methanol
Doan Pham Minh, Anne-Cécile Roger, Ksenia Parkhomenko, Valentin L’Hospital, Bruna Rego de...
15 January 2021
Recovery approaches for sulfuric acid from the concentrated acid hydrolysis of lignocellulosic feedstocks: A mini-review
Frederik J.Wolfaardt, Luís G.Leite Fernandes,Stephanie K.Cangussu Oliveira, XavierDuret, Johann F.Görgens, Jean-Michel Lavoie
Capucine Dupont, Andrés Anca-Couce, Jean-Michel Commandré, Alba Dieguez-Alonso, Thierry Ghislain, Maria Gonzalez...